Gandy RG-1000 Cue
10/28/2018 8:33:08 PM
Gandy RG-1000 Cue
A Gandy RG-1000 cue. Nice cue. It has vinyl veneers.
I am always looking for Gandy cues, especially early ones. I would love to have the early version of this cue.
Gandy RG-1000 Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/30/2018 2:47:51 AM
Another great looking cue sir. Thanks for sharing.
Do you tend to look for these cues in an original condition, and leave them as-is when you get them, or do you typically send them away for detailing and restoration, etc.? What is your preference there?
Chopdoc on 10/30/2018 6:22:24 PM
My attitude is to repair when necessary, restore when required. I prefer original. Unless a cue really needs work I leave it alone. Most of my cues have had little or nothing done beyond tips and ferrules.
As for what I look for, I will consider any condition.
Gandy RG-1000 Cue
- Title: Gandy RG-1000 Cue
- Author: Chopdoc (Fernando Chaves)
- Published: 10/28/2018 8:33:08 PM
- Last Updated: 10/30/2018 2:50:49 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)