Abe Rich Pool Cue?
2/12/2024 2:56:01 AM
Abe Rich Pool Cue?
I can't find much information on this pool cue, can anyone help?
It looks similar to an Abe Rich Florida cue.
I found this photo below, online.
I am not sure if this is it:
Abe Rich Pool Cue?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/14/2024 5:49:57 AM
That image is similar to yours, but shows a different model. Yours has the thin black ring between the butt plate and butt sleeve, whereas the image you found does not.
It looks to be a Rich Cue Model E pool cue from the early Rich Cue Corp. mailer flyer. I believe it's made from Zebra wood. It was described in the brochure as "E. Zebra Wrapped" (see images below).
See also: Value of a Wrapless RICH-Q in Pristine Condition. It seems to be a version of what you have, but with no wrap.
Abe Rich Pool Cue?
- Title: Abe Rich Pool Cue?
- Author: Paradigm
- Published: 2/12/2024 2:56:01 AM
- Last Updated: 2/14/2024 5:33:16 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)