Value of Harvey Martin Cues
2/11/2021 5:51:14 PM
Value of Harvey Martin Cues
I am trying to find the value of a set of 1967 Harvey Martin pool cues with an alligator case.
The Martin cues are in very nice condition except one that has a small hairline crack in the shaft which I am picturing below. The shafts are interchangeable. They have ivory on the ends, and are all original.
The cues have the previous owners name on them, so they have been personalized. I do not know who this person is.
I am assuming at this point that these pool cue sticks do not wobble, as I have not yet tested them out. So provide a value based on the assumption that the cue sticks have no wobble. I will test them soon. Any input much appreciated.
Thank you for looking.
Value of Harvey Martin Cues
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/12/2021 2:14:13 AM
I can't see the cues with enough detail and clarity to assess their condition, etc.
Regardless, you'll probably want to physically get these cues in the hands of someone who specializes in Harvey Martin cues.
They are highly collectible and highly sought-after by cue collectors.
Each one is likely worth somewhere between $1000 and $2500 depending on characteristics like the materials used and their condition.
There have been a few like these which have sold on eBay for around $1200.
This one below is for sale with one shaft and no personalization for $2400, and is similar to one of yours I think:
This one was for sale a while a go for somewhere around $1500:
This one sold on eBay a year ago for around $1050 USD.
clee on 3/19/2021 1:24:58 PM
Thank you @billiardforum for the info.
I have inherited my father’s Harvey Martin cue with extra shafts and alligator case. I also have a Schrager cue, a Schuler cue, and a custom Capone cue as well that I’d like appraised.
Who do you recommend to me and the OP that could give a comprehensive appraisal?
billiardsforum on 3/20/2021 1:51:48 PM
The Blue Book of Pool Cues recommends Bert Schrager as a recognized expert on Harvey Martin cues (as Bert would have apprenticed under Harvey Martin).
Others who worked under Harvey Martin included:
- Tad Kohara
- John Robinson
I've not dealt personally with any of these guys. This is just info from my notes on Harvey Martin cues.
Value of Harvey Martin Cues
- Title: Value of Harvey Martin Cues
- Author: BilliardGirlNow (Christina Coglietti)
- Published: 2/11/2021 5:51:14 PM
- Last Updated: 2/12/2021 2:29:24 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)