Trying to Identify Old Cue with Butterfly Points
7/14/2021 11:32:46 AM
Trying to Identify Old Cue with Butterfly Points
I'm trying to ID this old butterfly cue. I was given two of these one-piece cues with a very old pool table.
I'm trying to see if maybe they're worth keeping or making a conversion cue from.
Trying to Identify Old Cue with Butterfly Points
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/7/2021 6:58:52 AM
It's very hard to get a good feel for what this cue looks like. It'll be tough to identify from these photos.
Uploading some clear, well-lit photos might help us identify the pool cue.
Trying to Identify Old Cue with Butterfly Points
- Title: Trying to Identify Old Cue with Butterfly Points
- Author: Joe P (Joe P.)
- Published: 7/14/2021 11:32:46 AM
- Last Updated: 7/16/2021 2:34:15 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)