Identify Cue with a 9-Ball Rack Graphic
4/18/2018 9:46:52 AM
Identify Cue with a 9-Ball Rack Graphic
Can anyone help me identify this pool cue with a 9-ball rack on the butt-sleeve?
UPDATE: Posted 4th photo showing butt cap and joint collar as requested.
Identify Cue with a 9-Ball Rack Graphic
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/30/2018 9:36:28 PM
Can you do a better photo of the butt cap/joint please? Also, does the pool cue have any markings at all? Is there anything you can tell us about the cue at all?
The quality of that latest photo you posted doesn't help at all, but I suspect that there isn't much point pursuing it any further. The reason I say that is because it appears that the design and points on your cue are either decals or printed on (e.g. a "graphics cue" and not actually inlaid materials. Can you confirm that? If my assumption is correct, then the value will be low, and thus, may not justify sinking more time into identification.
The only other cue I know of with a 9-ball rack design is this Excalibur cue (but I am pretty sure that is not the brand that you have). The layout of the balls is different in this one as well. This one is currently available on eBay for $20.
user1524059211 on 4/30/2018 9:50:19 PM
It's an old retired Viking cue model. Viking N1000 pool cue.
billiardsforum on 4/30/2018 10:54:13 PM
Great eye! And of course it is the only one in the damn catalog which does NOT have the Viking logo on the butt cap.
Though the original poster's cue doesn't match the one in the Viking N-Series catalog (shown below), it's pretty darn close. There are about 3 fairly obvious and non-trivial variations though. What the Viking N1000 cue has in the catalog that the cue above does not, includes:
- White dashes around the joint collar and butt cap
- White detail inside of the inlays in the points
- An extra white line outlining the points
What the original poster's cue looks like is possibly a more recent version? Wonder if it was a simpler version sold through their "SmartShops" catalog channel?
I put in a request to Viking for some help clarifying. Will update when I hear back.
Here is the Viking N1000 pool cue from the Viking N Series cue catalog (1989).
N1000, $1000, [shown with] Joint D, Leather.
Also, this cue debuted before the Viking N-Series. It was released in the Viking A Series (Viking A800 cue - $800) from 1983-1989. Cue is pretty much identical to the N series.
user1524059211 on 4/30/2018 10:59:50 PM
I sent the picture to Viking and they got back to me stating that this cue was just a customization to whatever the customer ordered. It's Birdseye Maple instead of Ebony and the joint was upgraded. I'm currently having it sent to them for appraisal. Thanks for all the help, it was appreciated.
billiardsforum on 4/30/2018 11:03:32 PM
Awesome! Great info. Let us know what you hear back.
user1549568559 on 2/7/2019 11:42:39 AM
I am looking to purchase this EXACT cue, whether it be a Viking A800 or N1000 cue
I should make it very clear, I want to locate this exact model to BUY it from someone. I have searched all over trying to find someone willing to sell theirs, unfortunately I can't even find someone that HAS one, let alone sell it to me.
This is the first post I have seen discussing this particular cue.
If anyone has info on one for sale, please let me know.
billiardsforum on 2/7/2019 3:24:46 PM
No worries. I read your initial post too fast.
Good luck in your hunt. One will turn up, they always do.
user1549568559 on 6/14/2019 1:27:10 PM
Is there anyway of letting user1524059211, who posted above, know that I would be interested in buying his cue if its for sale?
user1524059211 on 6/14/2019 3:22:44 PM
I may be interested in getting rid of the cue, I'm currently waiting on the appraisal from Viking.
Here is a better picture of the joint:
user1549568559 on 6/14/2019 3:29:48 PM
Thank you so much for the reply.
Once you decide whether you'll sell the cue, could you let me know your thoughts? I'd appreciate it.
I'm interested in buying the cue if it is for sale.
My work email is
user1562991749 on 7/12/2019 9:22:30 PM
I am selling my Viking A800 pool cue for anyone who was interested above.
Viking and local dealer stated it was probably about $1800 in today’s market. I am keeping the Viking Exactshot shaft and am looking for around $1000.
It's in great condition. I love the cue but getting a custom cue and it is sitting in the case these days.
I have two original shafts that I got with it which are in OK condition. Viking cleaned it and fitted an Exactshot 2 and Vikore shafts to it. (30" and 12mm if I remember correctly).
user1667155860 on 11/27/2022 11:18:20 AM
I have the Birdseye Maple version of this cue (same as the one in the original question).
It's in great shape. It has just two little kicks in the finish but it shoots excellently.
If you are interested in it, my asking price is $1500 USD.
user1725017003 on 8/30/2024 7:23:24 AM
This is a knock off sold at Mr Bs pool I had one my parents bought in 89 or 90
user1725017003 on 9/3/2024 9:52:50 PM
Hello I am interested in buying this pool cue my parents bought me this same cue at. Mr bs pool in St. Louis it’s a Viking knockoff , I’m after the sentimental value of you want to sell email me reference pool cue thank you
Identify Cue with a 9-Ball Rack Graphic
- Title: Identify Cue with a 9-Ball Rack Graphic
- Author: user1524059211
- Published: 4/18/2018 9:46:52 AM
- Last Updated: 4/30/2018 10:09:53 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)