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Viking A800 Cue for Sale with 3 Shafts $1000

Viking A800 Cue for Sale with 3 Shafts $1000

I am selling my Viking A800 pool cue.

It is in great condition. Viking cleaned it and fitted a Viking Exactshot 2 and Vikore shafts 30" and 12mm (if I remember correctly).

It also has two original shafts that I got with it, which are in OK condition.

I love the cue but I am getting a custom cue and it is just sitting in the case these days.

Viking and a local dealer stated it was probably worth about $1800 in today’s market.

I am keeping the Exactshot shaft and am looking for around $1000 for the cue and remaining shafts.

I can add more pictures or send video if needed.



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Viking A800 Cue for Sale with 3 Shafts $1000

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Viking A800 Cue for Sale with 3 Shafts $1000

  • Title: Viking A800 Cue for Sale with 3 Shafts $1000
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/13/2019 5:51:17 AM
  • Last Updated: 7/25/2019 2:54:45 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)