1980s Brunswick Cue Identification and Value Help
12/10/2017 11:51:33 AM
1980s Brunswick Cue Identification and Value Help
I bought this in the early 1980's from a guy who had his own factory in Oak Park Michigan, manufacturing tables and other products under license from Brunswick. Any idea what this model was called, or how much the cue might be worth?
It looks like 4-points, with gold dot inlays on the points, 4-inlays on the butt, and i presume silk grip. It is still true, the joint is solid, and original tip.
1980s Brunswick Cue Identification and Value Help
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/10/2017 6:44:05 PM
Your Brunswick pool cue is from the 1970s and the model is "The Wellington". It was part of the Brunswick line of "Sterling Elite 2-Piece Cues". I found it in the 1977 catalog and a few other years in either direction. It was no longer shown in the 1982 Brunswick pool cues catalog.
Here is the "Brunswick Billiard Supplies & Equipment" catalog from 1977 showing your pool cue, the Brunswick Wellington pool cue:
"The Wellington" pool cue by Brunswick Billiards
As practical as it is attractive. The hilt of the WELLINGTON cue is handsomely inlaid without being overdone. Grip is wrapped with find black nylon cord for comfort and control. Rigid brass-on-aluminum joint with 1/2" precision contact pin support. Canadian rock maple shaft has crack-resistant fiber ferrule and fine French leather tip. Protective rubber cushioned end.
Code # 004-41-900Here is the dealer pricing sheet (dealer's cost) for 1979. The Wellington cue is near the bottom.
GRX on 12/10/2017 8:04:19 PM
Thank you so much for finding this! Mine has gold and yellow points and inlays, not white and silver. Does it show that way in any of the catalogs. I am thinking that might be for a particular year, or that the store made the stick under license, rather than buying wholesale, and the gold-dots are the craftsman's signature.
This has been my cue all my life, I have never shopped for cues. Do you have any idea how much the cue would be worth? Or can you point me to a dealer who might buy it? I am trying to survive waiting for a social-security disability hearing, and I need to sell it.
billiardsforum on 12/10/2017 10:00:37 PM
There were probably a bunch of color variations with each year's version (or yours was once white, and "yellowed" with time). That is also very common in old pool cues.
Unfortunately, with the condition yours is in, you won't get much for it. A buyer would have to have it refinished which would cost as much or more than the cue is probably worth.
1980s Brunswick Cue Identification and Value Help
- Title: 1980s Brunswick Cue Identification and Value Help
- Author: GRX (Gina Riley)
- Published: 12/10/2017 11:51:33 AM