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Maker of pool cue with "wizard" mark in Cobra Cae?

Maker of pool cue with "wizard" mark in Cobra Cae?

Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help me identify y pool cue? It has no other marks except for a a symbol of a long bearded man in robes holding a staff near the butt. The cue came to me in a case with faux snakeskin accents that says Cobra in blue on the inside. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks! Amy amycats3@bex.net

Maker of pool cue with "wizard" mark in Cobra Cae?

Replies & Comments

  1. amycats2guest on 4/14/2012 11:03:34 AM

    I have one of these too. Not the greatest. You can see them for sale here. phoenixbilliards.com/wizard.html . I couldn't find them for sale anywhere else.

  2. amycats2billiardsforum on 11/28/2018 4:52:38 AM

    Crystal Leisure is the importer of these Wizard branded pool cues FYI.

    See these other Wizard cue questions:

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Maker of pool cue with "wizard" mark in Cobra Cae?

  • Title: Maker of pool cue with "wizard" mark in Cobra Cae?
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/12/2011 9:46:15 AM