Identify This Pool Cue Logo
11/21/2011 5:57:15 PM
Identify This Pool Cue Logo
This Wizard cue was passed down to me and I don't know what brand this cue is.
Sorry for the large pics. Any help would be appreciated.
Identify This Pool Cue Logo
Replies & Comments
bogart sucaldito on 5/25/2012 7:16:29 PM
Is that a wizard? Merlin? Sorry it's also new to me.
AwdMan on 5/25/2012 9:05:29 PM
It is a cue from a wholesale company named Crystal Leisure. As far as model I couldn't tell you.
BilliardsBill on 5/26/2012 5:53:01 AM
I saw one with this logo on ebay not long ago. I believe it sold for around $100.00
billiardsforum on 11/28/2018 4:53:15 AM
Also see the other Wizard cue questions:
thedoorsguy on 3/23/2021 6:30:58 PM
Those wizard cues or Merlin from a wholesale company named Crystal Leisure.
One of Willie Mosconi’s last gigs was on Crystal Leisure's advisory staff. In conjunction with Joss Cues they produced a limited edition of 526 cues commemorating, as per the Certificate of Authenticity (COA), his: "526 high run March 19, 1954 In Springfield, IL" [sic OH], signed by Willie's wife Flora, Dan Janes of Joss Cues, and the CEO of Crystal Leisure.
I got one on eBay, then saw another there that had a Merlin zipper tag on the leather soft case embroidered with Mosconi’s autograph.
I just received a hard case with the Merlin logo on the felt lining inside, that has a brass plaque on the lid engraved with Mosconi’s autograph. The case is similar to my 8-cue Collectors Edition case with the same handle and latches, but no brass corner protectors that exist on the latter.
Here are 3 photos to go with my prior post about the Crystal Leisure Merlin logo, hopefully uploaded OK.
Identify This Pool Cue Logo
- Title: Identify This Pool Cue Logo
- Author: guest
- Published: 11/21/2011 5:57:15 PM
- Last Updated: 11/28/2018 4:53:52 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)