Identify Cue with "Harold Worst" Signature Engraved
10/8/2019 10:44:15 PM
Identify Cue with "Harold Worst" Signature Engraved
Can anyone help me ID a cue with the name "Harold Worst" engraved in it?
Identify Cue with "Harold Worst" Signature Engraved
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/16/2019 10:16:15 AM
We need to see more of the cue than this.
However, based on what I can see, it might be an A.E. Schmidt Harold Worst pool cue. They were in the 1963 A.E. Schmidt catalog:
Here's another example:
Chopdoc on 10/16/2019 11:24:02 AM
It is a cue from that catalog. The decal flaked off, they frequently did.
The handle color identifies the weight by the way.
They are not particularly valuable. Maybe $60 to $100 depending on condition and who wants it.
Looks like someone tried to clean it, which can devalue it in some people's eyes.
I have one with 1 original pool shaft, 1 original snooker shaft, and 100% intact decal, with the original case.
I would value mine at $125-$150.
billiardsforum on 10/16/2019 12:35:31 PM
Do you know who made these for A.E. Schmidt?
I thought I remember hearing/reading a while back that they may have been outsourced by A.E. Schmidt, but couldn't find any reference to it when I went looking today.
Chopdoc on 10/16/2019 1:05:10 PM
I don't remember, I did hear something at some point, but I don't remember what.
No reason they couldn't make then in house though. They did make cues.
Identify Cue with "Harold Worst" Signature Engraved
- Title: Identify Cue with "Harold Worst" Signature Engraved
- Author: user1570574655
- Published: 10/8/2019 10:44:15 PM
- Last Updated: 10/16/2019 10:13:52 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)