Value of a Schon LTD-1305E Pool Cue
4/19/2022 7:34:48 AM
Value of a Schon LTD-1305E Pool Cue
How much is a Schon LTD-1305E pool cue worth?
The retail price on the sticker was $1200.
Value of a Schon LTD-1305E Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/9/2022 3:49:29 AM
I talked to some folks in a Schon Cue collectors group. Estimate is about 70% of the retail price, which is about 85% of the MSRP on the sticker.
That would value this at roughly $750, give or take.
Your mileage may vary depending on the market at any given time and who is looking for what.
Value of a Schon LTD-1305E Pool Cue
- Title: Value of a Schon LTD-1305E Pool Cue
- Author: user1650378704 (David Poston)
- Published: 4/19/2022 7:34:48 AM
- Last Updated: 5/6/2022 2:16:03 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)