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Quantum by Meucci Cue

Quantum by Meucci Cue

I just picked up a "Quantum by Meucci" pool cue.

It’s a 4 point cue. I can see it’s wrap-less cue and I don’t see a dot on the shaft.

I’m looking for some info on it, and maybe it's value. I would also like to know it's age or approximately what year(s) they were made.

Any info you have would be greatly appreciated.




Quantum by Meucci Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. HobbyBobby72billiardsforum on 2/3/2025 6:39:39 PM

    It is a Meucci Quantum Q04 pool cue (a.k.a. Meucci Quantum Q-4 pool cue).

    The one in the photos above does have a white Irish Linen wrap (Meucci puts the clear coat over the wrap).

    It would be from somewhere in the very late 90s to early 2000s.

    MSRP at the time was $335 USD, but it was common for online retailers to sell it for around $270.

    Meucci Quantum #4 Pool Cue

    Meucci pool cue with four points in stained birdsye maple with three veneers. Lacquer over wrap. multiple windows in butt.


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Quantum by Meucci Cue

  • Title: Quantum by Meucci Cue
  • Author: (Bobby Santoro)
  • Published: 11/29/2024 11:15:58 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/3/2025 6:43:23 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)