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Quantum by Meucci Cue

Quantum by Meucci Cue

I just picked up a Quantum by Meucci cue. It’s a 4 point. I’m looking for some info and maybe value? When were they made ? (what year?) Thanks Bobby I’m will post some pictures later. If needed ?

Quantum by Meucci Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. HobbyBobby72HobbyBobby72 on 11/30/2024 3:32:38 AM




  2. HobbyBobby72HobbyBobby72 on 11/30/2024 3:34:36 AM

    Here’s the Pictures of my Cue. Any info you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Bobby

  3. HobbyBobby72HobbyBobby72 on 11/30/2024 3:37:12 AM

    I can see it’s wrap less and I don’t see a Dot on the shaft. Anymore info would help me figure out Age and Value? Thanks Bobby

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Quantum by Meucci Cue

  • Title: Quantum by Meucci Cue
  • Author: (Bobby Santoro)
  • Published: 11/29/2024 11:15:58 PM