Value of a 2nd Catalog Palmer Model "F" Cue
1/26/2020 12:43:23 PM
Value of a 2nd Catalog Palmer Model "F" Cue
What is the value of a Palmer Model "F" cue from the 2nd catalog?
I have a late 1960s or early 1970s Palmer Model F cue like the one listed in their 2nd catalog. It has both original shafts and the cue is dead on straight.
Assume that it is in mint condition, as verified by Chris Nitti, a well known and award-winning cue maker. It was also confirmed that this cue may carry a pretty good value.
I would appreciate your input on how much it is worth.
Value of a 2nd Catalog Palmer Model "F" Cue
Replies & Comments
Type79 on 1/26/2020 12:52:35 PM
Model F Palmer cues in excellent condition have sold in recent years for between $500 and $600.
Value of a 2nd Catalog Palmer Model "F" Cue
- Title: Value of a 2nd Catalog Palmer Model "F" Cue
- Author: user1580071402 (David Sorensen)
- Published: 1/26/2020 12:43:23 PM
- Last Updated: 1/26/2020 2:45:53 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)