Help Identifying Year and Model of Joss Cue
6/17/2023 3:22:33 PM
Help Identifying Year and Model of Joss Cue
I need some help to identify the model of this Joss cue I recently bought from a friend who picked up a few cues at an estate sale.
I can't seem to find this Joss cue model anywhere on the internet. I did run across a post somewhere, not sure if it was on this forum or not, that this was a model sold exclusively by a retailer. I can't find that post anywhere and so I don't remember the name of the retailer.
It is virtually unused and I've played with it only a couple of times.
Anyway, if anyone can recognize this model and has any info on it, it would be greatly appreciated.
Help Identifying Year and Model of Joss Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/19/2023 7:25:28 AM
I think this Joss cue is from the 1990s.
Is there nothing on the black part of the joint collar like a Joss logo?
There is a reference like the one you mentioned to in your question about the cue being part of a line made exclusively for a retailer. It said that it was from a line made for Crystal Leisure in the mid-1990s, but I don't have any visual evidence to support that.
However, the cue shown in that question is different from yours in that it has a white butt cap, the Joss logo on the joint collar, letters in the cards on the butt sleeve, and more detail in the forearm.
It is a Joss JC006 made specifically for Crystal Leisure. I do not know date, but probably around 95-96.
Help Identifying Year and Model of Joss Cue
- Title: Help Identifying Year and Model of Joss Cue
- Author: mandrill2000 (Jay Delrosario)
- Published: 6/17/2023 3:22:33 PM
- Last Updated: 6/19/2023 6:36:26 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)