Brunswick Cue and Case ID and Value
10/25/2020 4:56:06 PM
Brunswick Cue and Case ID and Value
I am looking for information on the Brunswick cue below.
I don't know the year, model or value of either.
Any help would be awesome.
Brunswick Cue and Case ID and Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/28/2020 2:03:55 AM
It is a Brunswick Richmond cue from the Brunswick Professional Series 2-Piece Maple Cues line, circa 1981.
They are not worth a whole lot. Now that you know the series and model, you can monitor sites like eBay and such for current market values.
Brunswick "The Richmond" Cue
The inverted eight-prong Richmond cue is an attractive example of creative craftsmanship. Colorful fancy wood and pearlized inlays add to the beauty of the solid maple construction. Grip is wrapped with fine black nylon cord for comfort and control. Brass-on-brass joint assures tight fit. Crack-resistant ferrule with hard leather tip and protective rubber cushioned end.
Redleg77 on 10/30/2020 5:41:28 AM
Viking made the cue case. It has the name Viking on the latch.
Brunswick Cue and Case ID and Value
- Title: Brunswick Cue and Case ID and Value
- Author: Redleg77 (Sgt Driggs)
- Published: 10/25/2020 4:56:06 PM
- Last Updated: 10/28/2020 1:31:55 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)