Laniel Automatic Dufferin Pool Cue?
12/29/2014 1:03:10 PM
Laniel Automatic Dufferin Pool Cue?
We have two leather wrapped laniel automatic, 18 oz., 60 inch cues.
They have what seems to be the Dufferin "D" inside of a "C".
They are brand new, in original packaging cases, and were purchased at an estate auction.
Does anyone have any information on these Dufferin Laniel Automatic cues?
Laniel Automatic Dufferin Pool Cue?
Replies & Comments
jbabcock12 on 2/1/2017 1:56:44 PM
Yes these are genuine Canadian Dufferin pool cues and are older models. Would you be interested in showing pictures and maybe selling them? This is what it should look like...!
billiardsforum on 2/1/2017 2:27:55 PM
Interesting you replied just now. Just this morning I was researching the old Dufferin trademarks. The "CD" is one of the trademarks that were't explicitly transferred to another company when the original Dufferin went under. They had a formal registered trademark on it from 1981 to 1987 (but I think they still used it after that).
Trademark #73297537, filed Feb 27, 1981 by Dufferin Cue Ltd.
jbabcock12 on 2/1/2017 2:44:52 PM
Dufferin went belly up in the 90's in Canada but you can still buy Dufferin that claim there Canadian still today and are made overseas. I collect them and I got several with nothing on them at all. Only the design and trademark Dufferin joint tell it's a Duff cue.
billiardsforum on 2/1/2017 2:57:15 PM
Yep, you are correct, but it was 2003 actually. I believe that's when the ongoing financial troubles came to a head. At this time, they also closed all of the corporate owned Dufferin Game Room stores (some of the franchise-owned ones either converted to a new name under the same franchisee, or closed up).
Then, in 2005, Jim Lucas (of Cue & Case Sales) bought the rights and name as it pertained to pool cues and started making them overseas in China, etc.
Have a look at the comments on What happened to Dufferin Games for more info on that.
user1511334079 on 11/22/2017 2:00:16 AM
I bought this Dufferin Laniel Automatic cue Monday Nov 20, 2017. It is unused.
Laniel Automatic Dufferin Pool Cue?
- Title: Laniel Automatic Dufferin Pool Cue?
- Author: Dave in Ontario
- Published: 12/29/2014 1:03:10 PM
- Last Updated: 1/14/2017 8:55:54 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)