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Information on "Jimmy Rempe by Meucci" Cue, and Other

Information on "Jimmy Rempe by Meucci" Cue, and Other

Help! I am looking for any information you might have on these cues!

The first one says "Jimmy Rempe by Meucci".


Information on "Jimmy Rempe by Meucci" Cue, and Other

Replies & Comments

  1. user1582044708billiardsforum on 2/19/2020 3:28:59 AM
    1. Jimmy Rempe by Meucci - This is a Meucci Jim Rempe JR-1 cue from the Jimmy Rempe series, 2nd edition circa some time in the 1980s. jimmy-rempe-jr1-by-meucci.jpg

    2. Not sure about this cue from just the one photo. Are there any logos or markings on it? If not, I would say it appears to be an insignificant, low-end import cue. Not worth anything beyond it's utility value. Think $30 or less.

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Information on "Jimmy Rempe by Meucci" Cue, and Other

  • Title: Information on "Jimmy Rempe by Meucci" Cue, and Other
  • Author: (Jessica Perkins)
  • Published: 2/18/2020 8:52:08 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/19/2020 3:03:31 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)