Identify Older Adam Balabushka Cue?
9/9/2021 4:16:04 AM
Identify Older Adam Balabushka Cue?
Can anyone help me to identify this older Adam Balabushka cue?
Identify Older Adam Balabushka Cue?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/9/2021 5:56:55 AM
I don't see anything similar in my Adam Cue catalog archive.
Can you share any more information about it?
What specifically is making you say it's an Adam Balabushka cue?
warrencd4 on 9/9/2021 6:12:54 AM
I was told by several people in the cue forums it was an Adam cue. I’m not sure how Balabushka would be connected other than some look similar.
How is a value on something like this determined?
Identify Older Adam Balabushka Cue?
- Title: Identify Older Adam Balabushka Cue?
- Author: warrencd4 (Warren Danford)
- Published: 9/9/2021 4:16:04 AM
- Last Updated: 9/9/2021 5:42:54 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)