ID Pool Cue, Possible Balabushka?
7/7/2023 4:42:18 PM
ID Pool Cue, Possible Balabushka?
I recently acquired this pool cue and have had trouble figuring out the details of who made it, exactly.
I've seen similar pool cues but not quite like this. It is unmarked.
ID Pool Cue, Possible Balabushka?
Replies & Comments
KCCC on 7/8/2023 10:56:53 AM
It looks like a Filipino-made pool cue to me.
It could also be from a small U.S. cue maker, but definitely not the one you implied in your question.
billiardsforum on 9/6/2023 7:26:42 AM
I second the answer from @KCCC.
The butt sleeve appears to be of low quality and poor workmanship.
The forearm appears to be made from a very nice figured maple, which is less common in inexpensive imported pool cues, though it's tough to tell as those photos are a bit grainy when zoomed in.
ID Pool Cue, Possible Balabushka?
- Title: ID Pool Cue, Possible Balabushka?
- Author: Ajarofbones
- Published: 7/7/2023 4:42:18 PM
- Last Updated: 9/6/2023 7:17:54 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)