ID Model of Brunswick Cue Made by Falcon
1/1/2020 1:03:06 PM
ID Model of Brunswick Cue Made by Falcon
I'm trying to find the original brochure, year, original msrp of this cue. Bone ivory, mother of pearl, birds eye maple, Irish linen wrap.
ID Model of Brunswick Cue Made by Falcon
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/1/2020 1:36:42 PM
I am fairly sure that this is a cue made by Falcon (though Joss made some cues for Brunswick in this same era).
I can't find the brochure at the moment but will continue to keep an eye out for it. Let me know as well if you find it first.
Falcon is a Canadian company, and I see the same cue was for sale on eBay about 8 years ago for what appears to be the same cue, and it has a "Made in Canada sticker" which supports Falcon being the manufacturer. Seems you came across the same photos.
Vintage Rare Custom Brunswick Cue by Falcon Cues
Here is a perfect example of a cue which is in mint, virtually flawless condition, made for Brunswick by Falcon, from what is believed to be late 80's to early/mid 90's era. Based on similar cues of this detail offered around that time, retailed for up to 1000. This particular design has yet to be identified exactly by anyone I've contacted. Believed to be very unique and rare. The details: 4 ebony points, 4 veneers, natural/red/natural/black. Cherry stained birdseye forearm. Ebony buttsleeve, 4 Ivory razor shaped windows with 1 MOP diamond in each, w/ red stitched rings above and below. Original "Made in Canada" sticker still intact. 5/16x14 piloted joint. Solid black collars, 1 original shaft w/ Meucci like 1 1/4" ferrule. 12.75mm at tip. Yes, it rolls good! Best example of a highly pressed and polished Black/w white spec Irish linen wrap I've seen. Tip has been chalked, but the cue has seen no real play time. Included is an unknown USA made, check the tag, vintage to be sure, heavy 1x1 box case w/ small storage area. Here's your chance to add a cue to your Brunswick collection that most have never seen.
I did find a few other models from what I would think are the same Brunswick cue line and from the same manufacturer, and with the same "Canadian Maple" sticker:
Brunswick 4 Point Canadian Maple Pool Cue 2 Pieces Billiard Stick & Case Vintage
Sold for: $106 USD (2019-10-12)
Strider Lacosse on 1/1/2020 2:06:51 PM
Thanks, I'll keep looking for brochures.
It's a beautiful cue, and still rolls 100% straight.
billiardsforum on 2/26/2020 5:52:56 PM
Let me know if you find one!
FYI - another potential Falcon-made Brunswick cue just posted this evening which I think may be from the same line:
Toppercat on 12/19/2020 5:48:29 AM
I have the same Brunswick cue. It is a very well made cue.
I picked it up at a Cash Converters pawn shop in the late 1990s - early 2000s for 20 bucks.
I have also been looking for info on it as well. I even tried the wayback machine internet archive but Brunswick only goes back to '96 and the Brunswick Diamond cue line was being made by Joss at that time.
ID Model of Brunswick Cue Made by Falcon
- Title: ID Model of Brunswick Cue Made by Falcon
- Author: Strider Lacosse
- Published: 1/1/2020 1:03:06 PM
- Last Updated: 1/1/2020 1:25:12 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)