DP Cues aka Dale Perry Custom Cues Reviews
1/24/2014 1:39:41 AM
DP Cues aka Dale Perry Custom Cues Reviews
Has anyone played with a Dale Perry cue stick?
A knowledgeable collector and rep in the pool cue trade has suggested looking into DP cues, as his own used stock is spare apparently.
I have started looking "up and down the line" and I am seeing and responding to too many adds that say "rolls straight together and apart" only to discover upon a little deeper inquiry that, e.g. "Well, there's a very slight roll out but hardly noticeable," and/or, "if you want to keep it for life then you really might want it re-finished" ad infinitum.
Lord knows I'm a far cry from expert, but my girlfriend (after watching me spend countless hours scouring eBay) bought me the $40 3rd Blue Book. Yes, I know that the prices are way off here, there, and everywhere but I STILL like the fact I have a halfway decent reference manual if even for the pictures, pool cue IDs and cue maker bios. I can sometimes ballpark a used "lower-end" cue and, if need be, eventually consult an expert for appraisal in just about a heartbeat.
I don't have a love affair with DP cues, but everything I've seen so far looks "right" about them. The warranty, however, excludes warps, and I'm just new enough to the hobby (but not the game in general I don't think) to be dangerous to myself and others so-to-speak.
I assumed a McDermott warranty, for example, included warpage of the cue but maybe I'm wrong. I'm aware, it seems, that DP cues are strictly custom so maybe I'm contemplating warranties that don't exist, but would almost swear I'd heard of custom cue makers who jumped at the chance to make a "flawed" cue right, no matter WHAT the "flaw." Maybe those are the custom cue builders making the $1000 to $5000 dollar cues, yet I can only speculate.
I could ask several other questions, probably, but one sticks out: I recall here or there seeing one or two guys saying, essentially, "I'd give anything to get back to the firm hit of a Schon R-12", but would a similar statement (about the solid feel) be made of a 90's Schon SL (SL-7 for example)?
The reason I ask is because the secondary market price on one of those seems about twice that of the others. I've even been told the variance from one specific cue to the next bears, but that "type" remark clouds the issue, I THINK.
I mean that I can't be SURE if nuanced statements like that help so much somebody like me who's after more "general" ideas at first which I can "fine tune" a month or two later. Especially if I say, "a $1000 cue is out of my budget." A $400 cue is maybe the absolute max for me this year or even next.
I'm also interested in a VGC mid-to-entry level Huebler cue, or Viking cue, or McDermott, or especially a Schon cue. It MUST be strait as an arrow and 10-years-old-plus, unless the shaft, if warped, can be fairly easily replaced with an original of same shaft of similar vintage shaft, OR, re-milled (which I'm uneducated about so far). No re-finish under any circumstances; I could do that later if need be. I know, that might be a little picky.
Last but not least, I'm not really looking to solicit a bombardment of cue reps, or pool cue sellers, as I'm interested in an (already advertised) used cue to be honest, and probably a cue that was made pre-2000.
I doubt I'm honestly too interested in any "sales solicitation" whatsoever. Nothing personal, nothing against salesmen, or sellers, I just THINK I'd strongly prefer myself to be the one to instigate a purchase. I suppose if someone approaches me out-of-the-blue with the "buy of the year" I'd be happy to take a quick look-see. I'm just not too optimistic about holding my breath for that "cold call" scenario is all.
DP Cues aka Dale Perry Custom Cues Reviews
Replies & Comments
BilliardsBill on 1/24/2014 4:06:19 PM
If $400.00 is your maximum budget and you want to buy a new cue, you might want to consider a JOSS. I have one myself (it is not for sale) that I bought about a year and a half ago and it is still straight and the finish and irish linen wrap are still perfect. The JOSS I have is model JOS-16 and it sells for $408.00. I bought mine online from Ozone Billiards. Their customer service is excellent, so if you buy something from them and have a problem or issue, they will make it right. I eventually bought an OB Classic shaft for my JOSS, but I used the shaft it came with for quite a while first and had no problems with it. If you can up your budget to about $475.00 to $500.00 then you can look to a lower priced Schon, but I think that if you are going to stick to a $400.00 budget, you should at least consider a JOSS.
user1532052229 on 7/19/2018 7:03:50 PM
Dale Perry is a know it all and will sell you what he has, not what you want. It made me feel like he was desperate for money. Stay away from DP cues.
fbair1 on 8/25/2018 10:08:24 AM
I can vouch for the quality of the vintage Dale Perry cues.
I'm 73 years old and I've owned about every type cue stick there is. I have been shooting for 60 years and I love pool. I am ranked a 7 in the APA league and a 9 in the BCA league. I shoot in pool tournaments and win them. I was taught how to play pool by a pro when I was young, and hung out in his pool hall in Pittsburg, KS
I've had 3 different Meucci cues, I've had Viking cues, custom cues, and many others including McDermott cues, Action cues, sneaky pete cues, Players cues, etc. This year I had a Schon cue and sold it. I then bought a vintage Huebler cue. It was a nice cue stick, but it was stolen so had to give it up. I then got a custom Lucasi pool cue at a pawn shop which was very nice.
I traded the Lucasi cue for a vintage 1-of-1 custom Dale Perry cue with the IV shaft. I like the DP cue as well as I've ever liked any pool cue. The Dale Perry cue is straight, connects perfectly, is the right weight, hits hard, and soft. It has very little deflection, and is a very nice cue. Because of this, I won't be getting any more cues.
Bottom line is that I can tell you the vintage DP cues are awesome. I don't know about the newer DP cues on eBay.
user1542737713 on 11/20/2018 10:15:14 AM
I have 2 Dale Perry Cues, and one of my buddies liked my first one so much that he bought one as well. I can't necessarily comment for him, but he claims he loves it.
I have multiple cues, I've had and sold multiple others, and I can tell you, DP cues are as advertised, and play just as well as some of the high dollar cues I've had. Which include, Adam, Helmstetter, McDermot, Meucci, Viking, and even a Schmelke.
I've had them for over 7 years and they are both straight as can be, and play the same today as the day I bought them.
I don't believe you can find a cue out there that looks as good, and plays as well as a DP for the price point.
I do not play competitively anymore, but am a former NPBA, TOBA, and BCA individual and team champion. My point being only that you can play at a high level without spending thousands of dollars.
Do not be afraid of a DP cue, you will not be disappointed.
user1553967893 on 3/30/2019 10:44:54 AM
Very well spoken.
I have a DP 3 pool cue. I love it.
I believe it is made by his son. The pool stick looks homemade, like you said, it shoots hard, soft.
I love the English that I can put on the cue to make the object ball or hit it.
TurnerCampbell on 9/8/2019 8:42:39 AM
This message is for @fbair1:
I am also from Pittsburg, KS.
From 1972 on, I played pool at the Plamoor, Washington Cigar Store, and the Red Arrow!
You probably know my family. I found your post while searching for reviews on Dale Perry cues.
Please contact me through the forum, or by my email, or look up my Mom and Dad, who still live around there and still have a number in the phone book!
I need a new pool cue and a mentor to help me reach the next level of my game.
Turner Campbelluser1718710475 on 6/18/2024 7:34:36 AM
I own a dp cue and I think it is a good cue for the money... if you are having issues try changing the tip harder or softer can make a big difference...I own several higher end cues and I'd pit my dp against any one of them.
DP Cues aka Dale Perry Custom Cues Reviews
- Title: DP Cues aka Dale Perry Custom Cues Reviews
- Author: mojarraman
- Published: 1/24/2014 1:39:41 AM