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Manufacturer of Mike Massey Pool Cues

Manufacturer of Mike Massey Pool Cues

who makes the Mike Massey signature series cues?

Manufacturer of Mike Massey Pool Cues

Replies & Comments

  1. BountyHunterbilliardsforum on 12/5/2011 4:40:18 PM

    Many of the Mike Massey pool cues are manufactured by the Regent Sports Corp. They also manufacturer a lot of the other billiard accessories which are branded with Mike's name.

    If you have a UPC code of the exact cue you are talking about, I can check for sure.

  2. BountyHunterBlind Benny on 12/15/2011 8:28:38 AM

    I am looking for a Massey pool cue similar to Mike's.

    Does anyone know the price and model number of the cue Mike Massey uses?

    Also where is the best place to buy a Mike Massey pool cue near Sarnia, Ontario (Canada)?

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Manufacturer of Mike Massey Pool Cues

  • Title: Manufacturer of Mike Massey Pool Cues
  • Author: (William McCurry)
  • Published: 12/5/2011 12:39:15 PM