ID Mali Cue with Vertical Green Boxed Logo
7/1/2024 8:29:56 PM
ID Mali Cue with Vertical Green Boxed Logo
I have this Mali cue with the boxed vertical green Mali logo that I bought somewhere around 1990. I had just joined a beginner league and bought this cue. I don't remember how much I paid.
I'm not an avid shooter these days but I've been dying to know more about this Mali pool cue over the last few years. I've searched many times and found conflicting information about this boxed logo. I believe I have seen info that dates this style of logo to the late 1960s to early 1970s.
I vaguely think I remember the dude telling me it had a wrapped handle and inlay design. I have no idea if that's true.
Anyway, hopefully I can get some information on the cue. I'd be interested in it's value but I doubt I'd sell it.
I am thinking about picking it back up.
I appreciate it,
ID Mali Cue with Vertical Green Boxed Logo
Replies & Comments
KCCC on 7/6/2024 1:55:13 PM
@Zippo0526, are you interested in selling this Mali cue?
Zippo0526 on 7/27/2024 10:46:59 AM
No, sorry. Unless this cue has a ridiculous value, I will hold on to it for now.
I was just hoping to find out more about it.
KCCC on 7/27/2024 11:04:19 AM
Sadly it has no ridiculous value. I have about 30 green-logo Mali cues but only one vertical-logo version, so I'm always looking to add a couple more.
Your cue, in its condition (which is a little rough and in desperate need of a refinish), I would value at between $130 and $170.
That's not a bad appreciation for a cue that sold for around $35 when new.
ID Mali Cue with Vertical Green Boxed Logo
- Title: ID Mali Cue with Vertical Green Boxed Logo
- Author: Zippo0526
- Published: 7/1/2024 8:29:56 PM
- Last Updated: 8/29/2024 7:07:46 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)