Identifying Cue with Curvy Inlaid Wood
6/24/2019 2:07:15 PM
Identifying Cue with Curvy Inlaid Wood
I recently bought this stick at an estate sale.
I've never seen one like it with the shaft and butt end having the same curving winding inlaid wood design.
Does anybody recognize either the wood or the cue maker or anything else that can help?
Identifying Cue with Curvy Inlaid Wood
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/24/2019 3:22:29 PM
What exactly are those letters? I'm having a hard time making them out.
kercolmeg on 6/24/2019 3:47:26 PM
We are also. It looks like a
was the original first letter, looks like aQ
below and then anR
and then anO
. Does that help any?My wife thinks it is
if that means anything.Ever seen a stick with this type of wood?
Chopdoc on 6/24/2019 4:48:05 PM
It looks like a Twisted Turtle cue.
I would contact that cue maker and ask.
kercolmeg on 6/24/2019 5:04:49 PM
@Chopdoc - Thanks very much for the lead. I will follow up.
billiardsforum on 6/26/2019 5:26:12 PM
Let us know what you find out.
kercolmeg on 7/13/2019 6:56:50 PM
Thanks everyone for your help.
We finally were able to contact Ron Daniels of Twisted Turtle cues. It took awhile to locate him and he just got back to us an hour ago.
The Twisted Turtle cue stick that we have was one of his first Twisted Turtle prototype cues.
- The "JQ" initials are those of the cue maker who turned them for Ron. "JQ" has since passed away.
- The "RD" initials were for Ron Daniels.
Again thanks for the help.
We will probably sell the stick as these are pretty rare now and hard to come by.
Identifying Cue with Curvy Inlaid Wood
- Title: Identifying Cue with Curvy Inlaid Wood
- Author: kercolmeg (Paul Lieberman)
- Published: 6/24/2019 2:07:15 PM
- Last Updated: 7/25/2019 3:50:29 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)