Schon Pool Cue Model Info and Identification
1/19/2024 7:34:10 PM
Schon Pool Cue Model Info and Identification
I got this Schon cue over 5 years ago and I am trying to get more info on it for a raffle.
Can someone please help?
I have been searching for info on this Schon cue for the last 3 hours to no avail.
Schon Pool Cue Model Info and Identification
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/22/2024 5:29:44 AM
The closest thing I can find is a Schon LTD-509 cue model, but in the catalog image it has a white butt cap. It can be normal to see slight color variations of a model.
I can't see the Schon logo in your photos, and logo can help narrow it down to a series.
I've asked around to confirm, and if any other info comes back, I'll let you know.
Schon Pool Cue Model Info and Identification
- Title: Schon Pool Cue Model Info and Identification
- Author: koishane
- Published: 1/19/2024 7:34:10 PM
- Last Updated: 1/22/2024 5:23:55 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)