Champion Cues
5/19/2014 1:02:29 PM
Champion Cues
Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums here and I actually work for a billiard company and we are always trying to better our cues and I wanted to know if any of you have had experience with our cues. We are champion sport co. Up until last month we only did our business on eBay and Amazon but now we have our own eCommerce site and are trying to grow and after reading through the forums you all seem to have a lot of great information. We are most well known for our Gator series and our Spider Leather series. We have 2 newer series coming out and we have a lower end model called the ST series which is aimed at beginners as it is very affordable and it has the sneaky pete in there as well. Any constructive input on our cues? I can post our site if you want to take a look but I don't know if I'm allowed to do that and as I'm looking for input and not marketing, I'll refrain until i'm told otherwise :-) Thanks in advance guys!
Champion Cues
Replies & Comments
Ziggy_Lee on 5/21/2014 10:17:27 AM
Hello, I have not heard of Champion pool cues, but I buy custom made cues. I used to own a lot of production cues McDermott, Viking, Schon ect. Since having my first custom cue built to my specs I have sold all my production cues. If you post your site address I'll go look at your cues. Good luck in your cue business. Take care...
Josh Miller on 5/21/2014 10:19:02 AM
Thank you! our store is or one is html5 and the other is open cart mainly for dealers to sell kind of like a drop ship type program
Champion Cues
- Title: Champion Cues
- Author: Josh Miller
- Published: 5/19/2014 1:02:29 PM