Identify and Value a Meucci Original Pool Cue
5/7/2018 5:56:21 PM
Identify and Value a Meucci Original Pool Cue
Can you please identify this Meucci Originals and help with value and methods to sell it?
Identify and Value a Meucci Original Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/7/2018 7:37:13 PM
You have a Meucci Originals OL-4 pool cue from the Meucci Oldies series, circa late 1980s.
As for the value of a Meucci OL-4 pool cue, it varies greatly. I usually see them at $400 to $600 if you want a starting point. It will vary depending on the condition of the cue, locale, market conditions, and what else is available at any given time. Yours is pretty beat up, and there are a good number of these in much better shape that come up for sale every now and then. It would need to be restored by a buyer, and that would cost them around $150, so that would be factored in by most buyers.
To sell the cue, post it on the "Pool Cues for Sale" section here. Also see some of the Meucci Facebook groups. They can be good as well.
Identify and Value a Meucci Original Pool Cue
- Title: Identify and Value a Meucci Original Pool Cue
- Author: toulexx (Wanda Sowers)
- Published: 5/7/2018 5:56:21 PM
- Last Updated: 5/7/2018 7:14:54 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)