Who Made Competition Brand Pool Cues?
1/12/2021 7:35:15 PM
Who Made Competition Brand Pool Cues?
Who makes "Competition" pool cues?
My daughter's boyfriend recently bought a fiberglass pool cue off of eBay and all that it says on it is "Competition" at on the butt. It shows a logo of a guy shooting with a cue and it says "Competition".
I've searched everywhere and just cant find any info on those cues at all. Does anyone know any info about them?
I found one picture online of one of them and I included it so the logo can be seen.
Who Made Competition Brand Pool Cues?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/16/2021 6:53:50 AM
It is from a company called Competition Sports Co. out of Delray Beach, FL (formerly from Hempstead, NY).
They don't make the cues, but rather, they are made overseas and imported for sale in North America. They sell other brands like Adam cues, Balabushka Cue Company cues (modern remakes), Karella Cues, etc.
"Competition" cues would be their "house brand" I believe. They're lower-end economy pool cues.
Brand new, that cue retailed for around $69.99 USD.
Here are the specs for that cue:
A great dolphin design cue with excellent fiberglass construction! Competition Sports cues offer unique designs at an affordable price!
Cue Features Include:
- Deluxe Fiberglass construction.
- Warp and dent resistant.
- Dolphin design on light blue butt and matching shaft.
- Steel joint.
- Non-adjustable weight.
- 13mm Pro Taper shaft with Le Pro Medium Tip.
CeaseLess on 7/25/2022 7:37:53 PM
I recently bought this pool cue with a "CPS" logo. It was marketed as a custom Adam cue.
Some people have suggested that the CPS stands for Competition Sports and that it is a much lower quality Adam cue that was mass produced in China.
I'm trying to get to the bottom of it to see what I really have but no one seems to have any information on it, would you happen to have any insight on it, any information would be greatly appreciated.
Who Made Competition Brand Pool Cues?
- Title: Who Made Competition Brand Pool Cues?
- Author: user1610508909
- Published: 1/12/2021 7:35:15 PM
- Last Updated: 1/16/2021 6:55:49 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)