Price of a Lucasi L-2010 Cue with XIV on Butt Cap
2/17/2021 4:04:37 PM
Price of a Lucasi L-2010 Cue with XIV on Butt Cap
Wondering how much a Lucasi L2010 cue is worth. I’ve had it for several years.
What is the value of this cue today?
Price of a Lucasi L-2010 Cue with XIV on Butt Cap
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/17/2021 5:40:44 PM
The Lucasi L-2010 cue is probably worth around $200 (at the top end), give or take.
That's assuming it, and it's shaft is perfectly straight and has no cosmetic issues.
Branden34 on 2/17/2021 5:48:46 PM
What makes you think it’s a 2010 cue ?
billiardsforum on 2/17/2021 5:51:17 PM
Read the answer to your other question about identifying the Lucasi cue. All should be clear.
Price of a Lucasi L-2010 Cue with XIV on Butt Cap
- Title: Price of a Lucasi L-2010 Cue with XIV on Butt Cap
- Author: Branden34
- Published: 2/17/2021 4:04:37 PM
- Last Updated: 2/17/2021 5:28:57 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)