Identify Model of a McDermott Cue
8/21/2019 7:03:21 PM
Identify Model of a McDermott Cue
Can someone help with identifying the model of a McDermott pool cue as shown below?
Identify Model of a McDermott Cue
Replies & Comments
- Chopdoc on 8/22/2019 9:47:31 AM
It is a McDermott B-8 cue, circa 1976-1979.
See it here, but don't believe the values you see there. The market fluctuates.
- jimvhobbies on 8/22/2019 4:14:33 PM
So this McDermott B8 cue is in like-new condition, so how much is it worth?
How much should I ask for it if I sell it? Even a dollar range like $000-$000 would help.
I really have no clue on the market for quality used cue sticks.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Identify Model of a McDermott Cue
- Title: Identify Model of a McDermott Cue
- Author: jimvhobbies
- Published: 8/21/2019 7:03:21 PM
- Last Updated: 9/11/2019 5:59:22 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)