Identify This Old Plain Cue?
12/14/2017 8:53:16 PM
Identify This Old Plain Cue?
This is a yard sale cue I bought years ago and I am trying to identify it. It came with a nice case that says "Joe Porper"
It looks to me to be all bocote. It has a bolt in the end, which I assume is for weight?
The embedded "stamp" appears to me to be a letter "C".
These are the pictures.
Identify This Old Plain Cue?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/15/2017 6:09:47 AM
I don't recognize it, but a few things come to mind when I look at it:
- It is most certainly missing an inlay, and perhaps also a decal or logo of some sort where it looks like there was a square white sticker
- It's looks like a sneaky-pete or jump-break cue perhaps
- To me, it is most certainly a cursive upper-case letter "E".
Joe Porper is a maker of generally high-quality pool cue cases. You probably wouldn't buy one of those unless your cue was at least half-decent.
Identify This Old Plain Cue?
- Title: Identify This Old Plain Cue?
- Author: Brad Lantz
- Published: 12/14/2017 8:53:16 PM
- Last Updated: 12/15/2017 6:03:50 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)