Purple Meucci Pool Stick
2/17/2020 6:46:29 PM
Purple Meucci Pool Stick
I stumbled upon this beauty of a Meucci cue, and one of my friends offered me $200 for it.
What model is it and how much is it worth?
Purple Meucci Pool Stick
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/18/2020 2:41:03 AM
It is a Meucci 333-4 cue from the Meucci 333 Series circa 1993.
It's retail was $333 at the time, and it is worth somewhere less than this today.
$200 is a fair price all around in my opinion.
Purple Meucci Pool Stick
- Title: Purple Meucci Pool Stick
- Author: user1581993988
- Published: 2/17/2020 6:46:29 PM
- Last Updated: 2/18/2020 2:36:08 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)