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Identify This Wynn Pool Cue

Identify This Wynn Pool Cue

Picked it up from a friend, and I have cleaned it up, but I have never heard of "Wynn" cues.

Any information or help with cue valuation or Wynn cue model number identification is greatly appreciated.


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Identify This Wynn Pool Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. user1478456587billiardsforum on 11/6/2016 1:35:51 PM

    Some chat in another forum (from 2010) had some info. Looks like Wynn pool cues are "dime-a-dozen" Chinese import pool cues.

    Wynn are made in China and rank with the other cheap cues from there. I put a cue tip on a WYNN cue the other day. It was a very poor example of a pool cue. I had to re-glue the ferrule, and the wrap was loose.

  2. user1478456587K Byrnes on 10/22/2017 8:00:45 PM

    My friend had an older Wynn cue.

    He said it was made before the company sold out to Viking. I don't think they were always made in China.

  3. user1478456587Chopdoc on 12/3/2018 2:52:17 PM

    I do think they always were made in China.

    Viking went out of business. After a lawyer bought Viking Cues it and reopened it, they started their import side to stay competitive. That's probably the relationship, if any.

    Viking cues and McDermott cues both have import cue lines. Joss Cues and Schon Cues do not.

    I am unaware of Wynn cues ever being made in the US.

    Of course, I can always be wrong. If I am wrong, I would love to know.

  4. user1478456587user1562774520 on 7/10/2019 9:02:01 AM

    I want to buy that Wynn cue. Please let me know.

    (904) 315-3409

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Identify This Wynn Pool Cue

  • Title: Identify This Wynn Pool Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/6/2016 1:23:09 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/8/2018 11:21:52 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)