ID Pool Cue1 With 1 Large Dot Surrounded by 4 Small Dots on Grip
8/24/2021 6:05:12 AM
ID Pool Cue1 With 1 Large Dot Surrounded by 4 Small Dots on Grip
Does anyone know who made this cue?
It has one large circle inlay surrounded by four smaller circles on the butt sleeve.
ID Pool Cue1 With 1 Large Dot Surrounded by 4 Small Dots on Grip
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/9/2021 3:27:59 PM
It's not possible to tell who made this cue from that photo alone.
It might help to see the joint pin and insert, but that's doubtful.
However, it's more than likely an inexpensive import cue similar to those imported by the Championship brand (D&R Industries) or others importing from factories like Kao Kao or others in Japan or China.
ID Pool Cue1 With 1 Large Dot Surrounded by 4 Small Dots on Grip
- Title: ID Pool Cue1 With 1 Large Dot Surrounded by 4 Small Dots on Grip
- Author: user1629810311
- Published: 8/24/2021 6:05:12 AM
- Last Updated: 9/9/2021 3:30:28 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)