Id Possible Old Brunswick Butterfly Cue
4/10/2018 10:24:27 AM
Id Possible Old Brunswick Butterfly Cue
No markings other than weight stamp on butt. Pin is on shaft. Name plate said Mike M. But fell apart and is gone
Id Possible Old Brunswick Butterfly Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/10/2018 5:48:56 PM
I have seen this (or versions of this) old butterfly splice cue with the pin in the shaft a number of times before. Each time, the identifications were guesses at best.
It may be a three cushion / carom / balkline cue - a lot of these types of cues had the pin in the shaft instead of the butt (the latter being the most common in today's billiards and pool cues).
If it is a Brunswick cue (which I am very doubtful of), it likely wasn't made by them. They often contracted out their cue work.
I would bet that recessed nameplate spot is done by the previous owner.
They aren't worth much of anything, usually selling for ~$100, give or take $50, and they don't hold any specific collectible value (unless they were in like-new condition - and even that doesn't bring much of a premium).
Here are the other ones like yours I have seen around:
I think a few companies made them to be sold as Brunswicks, including Schaefer IIRC. They are not rare, per se, and don't tend to hold much value, but are pretty neat if you ask me
There were a couple for sale on eBay over the years, and in all cases the sellers guessed that they are old Brunswick cues (as they always do when they have no clue what it is). Again, they may or may not be.
I am only showing this first one as it has what is obviously an identical joint type (also with pin in the shaft) to the one you pictured.
And this other one looks similar to yours as well.
Chopdoc on 4/26/2018 7:48:18 PM
Maybe Rieper, Oliver Briggs, Luscher, or Katz. For starters you need to know the thread count on the joint pin.
Most say Brunswick as soon as they see such a cue. Frequently they are wrong.
I would love to buy that cue.
Chopdoc on 5/4/2018 11:46:48 AM
Again, I would love to buy that cue.
Chopdoc on 8/17/2018 10:35:00 PM
Hoping to buy this cue. Please contact me.
Id Possible Old Brunswick Butterfly Cue
- Title: Id Possible Old Brunswick Butterfly Cue
- Author: craignardo
- Published: 4/10/2018 10:24:27 AM
- Last Updated: 4/10/2018 5:58:04 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)