Identify Older Pool Cue with Brass Joint
7/4/2018 11:53:45 AM
Identify Older Pool Cue with Brass Joint
I am wondering what the identity and value of this pool cue with brass joint might be?
It was in this Willie Mosconi cue case.
Identify Older Pool Cue with Brass Joint
Replies & Comments
Lawrence Wolven on 8/25/2018 6:49:44 AM
A looks like a vintage a Palmer cue?
Chopdoc on 8/26/2018 11:07:08 PM
The cue is an inexpensive import from China.
Identify Older Pool Cue with Brass Joint
- Title: Identify Older Pool Cue with Brass Joint
- Author: user1530719623
- Published: 7/4/2018 11:53:45 AM
- Last Updated: 7/10/2018 4:44:31 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)