Reviews on Fury Pool Cues
7/21/2008 6:54:58 PM
Reviews on Fury Pool Cues
I've been playing for over ten years and own two cues, I am looking to replace my original cue as it's really starting to show it's age. I bought it for $75 at a flea market 12 years ago...what a steal though.
Anyhow I recently stumbled upon Fury cues, they look quite nice and seem to be made of good materials. Anyone have any experience with these? Can't find any Fury pool cue reviews anywhere online.
Reviews on Fury Pool Cues
Replies & Comments
Fenwick on 7/25/2008 4:13:00 PM
I have never played with one, a Fury cue, and it would seem no one else here has any first hand information either. Unless I can hold it in my hands, try it on, I can't give a opinion and even then it would be subjective; what I think. I did do a search also and like you I could not find out much information as far as how or where they are made. Any chance there is a local pool Cue dealer near buy where you could take a few name brand production Cue's in the same price range for a test ride? I wish you luck.
guest on 7/25/2008 9:10:42 PM
That's a good suggestion, I'll check in to that. I live in a rural area so I don't know if I'll have much luck with the local dealer route. I was also looking at a few McDermott cues and Lucasi, my price range is $200 and under. Any good suggestions would be great.
Fenwick on 7/25/2008 10:42:07 PM
I think for the money you can't go wrong with a Viking or McDermott. Look at the warranty and compare.
quickshot on 7/25/2008 11:58:10 PM
Ron: Do a google search as such: "pool cues fury". Be sure you use the quote marks. You'll find plenty of Fury sites. Good luck with the search. I know they are there... I was just there. Or go here
guest on 7/26/2008 4:53:27 AM
Yeah, I've seen the few places they are for sale online, problem is I can't seem to find any of them with buyer reviews. And ir seems fishy to me that websites selling Fury never seem to also sell the prime competition like McDermott and Lucasi, but only other off or not well known brands. Hesitant to buy something that I can't get good independent feedback on first. If I do go that route Fury does offer a warranty that if the cue is damaged or warped they will replace, and you can return any cue within 30 days for a full refund if not satisfied, plus a one year warranty, Lucasi I noticed has a standard lifetime warranty on theirs.
quickshot on 7/26/2008 9:10:22 AM
I can't say that I have seen any buyer reviews on any cuesticks. In cases like that I just go by my instinct and hope for the best. That being said, Lucasi is a top line company among some others. You'll just have to choose the one that appeals to you in the gut. Good luck with the search. Let us know what you decide on.
Fenwick on 7/26/2008 3:40:55 PM
I mentioned McDermott and Viking as I have read reviews on them elsewhere. Schmelke and Lucasi are two of many other highly reputable companies. There is a very different feel between a McDermott and a Viking. I know as I own both. A McDermott has the weight bolt more to the rear while a Viking seems to be more evenly distributed over the length of the butt. If you do buy a McDermott get the butt tool and a full set of weight bolts. It will add to it's value.
guest on 7/26/2008 5:31:35 PM
I ended up stumbling on a nice find. A Lucasi L-E63 LTD special run of 25 cues, a seller on ebay had a few of them and I bought it for $231. the standard L-e63's sell for $300 and up and the MSRP on this one was $486. Will post a link later.
Fenwick on 7/26/2008 6:48:26 PM
You got a deal and a nice looking cue. I saw it on Ebay also.
Rcm58 on 11/29/2008 3:37:06 PM
I bought my son a Fury DL series cue a year ago for his birthday and here are my observations. The cues finish was good, it has a screw in bumper with a weight bolt that can be replaced if you decide you want to change the weight later on. The shaft is snow white, noticeably whiter than a Players which surprised me in the $100 price range. It came with joint protectors which was a nice perk. My son plays on a league and has had no problems with it at all. If I were going to say anything negative at all it would be that the pin is a fury exclusive so you would not be able to purchase a knock off replacement shaft for it like you can on other name brand cues with a 5/16 X 18, 5/16 X 14 or 3/8 X 10 threads.
patrickp123495 on 2/16/2009 3:37:49 AM
Go to fury cues website.a guy traded his schon for a fury.Look at their selections.I like the nr series.The difference between the nr and the dl is the inlays.Ad 30$ or somthing and its from overlay to inlay.They look pretty good.
I can be wrong.
GIR on 3/7/2011 11:08:19 PM
I have a Fury NR17 and like it a lot. I use a Hirano M tip, the stick has a firm feel and shot that I like. I have had Joss, McDermotts, and other known brands through the years and the Fury hangs right in there. My Fury is well balanced and has a good feel to it. The NR17 is a very good and reliable cue.
Montser on 3/8/2011 12:19:36 PM
I looked for info or reviews on fury cues also at one time. never did! but i went ahead and bought one for myself not long ago. it arrived just a few days before a team tourney in south dakota. i didn't get to shoot before the tourney with it. just took it and went to the tourney. the cue i selected from fury is the HL-1 with the radial pin. a very nice looking cue out the box. but any how, i've been a pool shooter 16 years and play in many tournaments through each pool season. i've played with many cues in my time. viking, mcdermott, lucasi, predator, meucci and even a custom cue. they were all great cues. everyone of them had pros and cons. the tables played on at the tourney were diamond tables, everyone that shoots on them knows the tight and unforgiving pockets. i played with the fury from the first game and i must say it was a very good cue to shoot with. nice solid hit and never miscued with the cue. that said a lot in its self. i was pretty confident with the fury. it always generated the english i was looking for. pocketed my balls with confidence on the diamond tables. i looked at this cue very closely over and over when it arrived to see any out of place things. never found any. it turned out to be a great cue for the money. i put aside my universal smart shaft and other cue to play with this now. over all it's a very well made cue and shooting cue to this day. solid feedback when you hit the cue ball. the english! awesome! i don't think it would give a bad play to anyone, shooters of different skill levels. solid hit, good english and made well. it sits with me very well. i wouldn't put it down anytime soon and its a very pretty cue. Awesome fury! awesome!
guest on 3/26/2011 4:56:54 PM
I own a Meucci, 2 Scorpions, 2 Players, a Viper, and a Lucasi. My son owns a Fury. Out of all these cues I have the Fury and the Players cues are our favorites.
My neighbor/Brother lives next door and has a pool table n his building where we go shoot all the time and everybody that's come up and shot with his Fury has liked it. I have seen some other people in the local pool halls around here with Fury cues and they seem to like em.
So I would say for the money, Fury cues are nice cues.
user1505754755 on 9/18/2017 1:12:08 PM
I am The CueWorks U.S.A. Master Journeyman Cue-Smith and I began way back in 1968. I maintain and operate our CNC-Machine Centers, Cue Lathes, Cue Straightening Fixtures and a lot more.
I would recommend an American made cue in the same price range for those value minded cheap skates who know very little about precision cue making practices and you need to remember the golden rule of commerce: When you buy a cheap or fake copy, you only get what you're paying for and for $70-$150 that just equals cheap; However, there are people who pay $1200 and up for a Predator cue but they are also made in China.
Professional custom made limited-run pool and billiard cues are very carefully designed and engineered to offer great feel, super smooth stroke and a perfectly balanced cue that reduces a professional tournament players shoulder, elbow, arm and hand fatigue down to a bare minimum. This is a must for the Pros for they are paired up to play as many as 40-60 opponents during a week long elimination tournament. Also, each elimination challenge consists mostly of the best out of 11-15 games. Yep, try playing pool for 10-12 hours or more for a week of tournament championship elimination which also mix up games such as 9 Ball, 8 Ball, 1 pocket, etc.
user1507036787 on 10/3/2017 9:19:48 AM
@user1505754755 ("Cue-Smith"), this is a completely jaded review from somebody that obviously has an ego also.
Most players only need a $100 cue. The problem is not the cue stick, but rather, the skills.
Pool is similar to chess in what it takes to get skills. This means players could play for many years and never get beyond class A or B. Even if you had a $500 cue stick, you would have to play for hours and hours, costing you a lot of money and time to reach even the lower tournament levels.
If you watch enough pool on YouTube, like following the career of a single player for say 20 years, you learn a lot about pool and people.
If you bought five $50 Chinese cue shafts and played with each of them on different butts, and tried different weights, you might find one that worked for you.
Some pool players never get beyond the bar box. For them, a simple investment in, say, a Fury 8 ball pool cue where for about $90 you get a cue case and two different shafts, and a modern cue, you really can't beat it for the average player, and you aren't out much cash. In fact, all the shafts are Uni-Loc, and in fact work on Dufferin, Lucasi and other cues, even some Chinese models.
In training pool pros in China, they don't allow the players to use Predator cues, and some of the champs are as good as any players in the world, maybe better. People are not cheap, they are hoping the cue, tip, or combination will give them more confidence and make a difference. The best thing to do is to get your basic skills in control, and try to build on that. Talent helps. Being in good physical condition may help, and keeping control of your emotions will definitely help.
It is true that a lot of average players don't know what goes into the making of a professional cue, and I bet you that they probably don't really care. I have owed brand name cues, and I don't like predator cues much. They just don't feel right. I don't much like really heavy cues because it is harder to be creative with them. But then again, I just play for fun and I only compete against myself, meaning I hope I have a better day than the last time out, and I hope after hours of play I made some good shots also, win or lose.
I respect artists that make top grade cues, but I would rather have a $200 pair of good walking shoes than a $200+ pool cue. As life goes by, you can find deals if you are lucky and look for them. Players are getting frustrated all the time and selling their cues cheap to get rid of them. Life is short, do what you can with what you got while you can.
Reviews on Fury Pool Cues
- Title: Reviews on Fury Pool Cues
- Author: guest
- Published: 7/21/2008 6:54:58 PM