Identify Plain Meucci Cue
7/22/2018 8:33:21 AM
Identify Plain Meucci Cue
I am trying to ID this plain Meucci cue stick. Looking for a model number. Please help me identify this beautiful Meucci.
Identify Plain Meucci Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 7/23/2018 3:30:15 AM
Hard to tell from the photo, as I can't tell if that's a ring at the bottom between the wood and the black resin butt cap, and also I can't see the joint collar detail in your photo.
But from this one photo, it looks like it might be a Meucci 95-2 from the Meucci 95 series, which debuted in 1995.
Identify Plain Meucci Cue
- Title: Identify Plain Meucci Cue
- Author: Bill Steiner
- Published: 7/22/2018 8:33:21 AM
- Last Updated: 7/23/2018 2:41:41 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)