ID and Value of Unbranded Cues
7/22/2019 8:40:56 PM
ID and Value of Unbranded Cues
I got these unbranded cues. I don't know what they are but the quality is better than a house cue.
I bought all three for $150 USD.
How much are they actually worth?
ID and Value of Unbranded Cues
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 7/22/2019 10:29:49 PM
Asian imports.
You payed probably above wholesale and probably below retail.
Nothing special or interesting there.
Better than a house cue?
By what measure?
Dufferin? Valley Supreme? McDermott? Huebler? All excellent house cues. Even the current variety of Lucasi house cues are very good.
user1563853255 on 7/22/2019 11:33:03 PM
Thanks so much for the information.
I better get a good one.
ID and Value of Unbranded Cues
- Title: ID and Value of Unbranded Cues
- Author: user1563853255
- Published: 7/22/2019 8:40:56 PM
- Last Updated: 7/25/2019 1:33:04 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)