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Value of a Brunswick Official Size Slate Pool Table

Value of a Brunswick Official Size Slate Pool Table

For sale is a Brunswick official size, slate pool table with green felt.

The billiard table is approximately 30-35 years old.

I can't find the Brunswick make or model number or year of manufacture. It's a Brunswick pool table, That's all I was able to find out. Is there a certain spot on or under Brunswick pool tables where I can look for a tag or model number?

I was hoping someone could tell me what is worth?

Value of a Brunswick Official Size Slate Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. Braciolebilliardsforum on 1/7/2010 3:34:07 PM

    What is the exact year, make, and model of this Brunswick pool table? Without those, any guess as to the value is worthless. Someone will likely come along who will recognize the style of this Brunswick billiard table, so sit tight.

  2. Braciolejbahm on 1/13/2010 11:06:14 AM

    Your pool table is a Brunswick Anniversary pool table.

    There are a few different versions of the Brunswick Anniversary pool table, and the Brunswick Billiards website says: "table name and model stamped on outside of leg near top of head and foot end." Visit the Brunswick Billiards website (url below) to review the models and how to identify them.

    I have a Brunswick Anniversary pool table for sale in another thread.

    Also see: antiquetables.brunswickbilliards.com/our_rich_history/antique_tables/anniversary.html

  3. Bracioleguest on 1/20/2010 9:31:10 PM

    I was wondering if you are thinking of selling your Brunswick Anniversary pool table?

  4. BracioleBraciole on 1/22/2010 1:23:14 PM

    Thanks a lot sir for posting! That's definitely her!

    @guest - Yes I would consider selling the pool table.

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Value of a Brunswick Official Size Slate Pool Table

  • Title: Value of a Brunswick Official Size Slate Pool Table
  • Author: (Michael Turzo)
  • Published: 1/3/2010 9:37:25 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/22/2010 1:29:32 PM
  • Last Updated By: Braciole (Michael Turzo)