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Identifying My Players Pool Cue with "104" on the Butt Cap

Identifying My Players Pool Cue with "104" on the Butt Cap

I need help identifying the model of this Players pool cue.

It has the "Players" logo in gold on the butt, and opposite to that, it has the number "104".






Identifying My Players Pool Cue with "104" on the Butt Cap

Replies & Comments

  1. dawbilliardsforum on 3/7/2025 8:42:17 AM

    It is a Players G-3330 pool cue in "midnight black", from the Player's Graphic series, circa 2010.

    Players Graphic G-3330 Pool Cue


    Midnight black billiard cue with six black with slim metallic silver points, red accent squares, stainless steel joint collar, decorative ring sets, and genuine solid black double-pressed Irish linen wrap. This piece has a classic timeless look and would make a great playing cue for anyone from an amateur player practicing on a home table to a battle-tested tournament warrior. Players pool cues are made from North American Grade A Hard Rock Maple that has been hand picked by seasoned craftsmen and turned and dried seven times during curing. The wood is treated with Nelsonite, a patented stabilizer that protects it from atmospheric changes and finished with an epoxy that seals the wood pores for even greater moisture protection. Once the cue design and/or inlay is applied, each completed cue is then finished with a high gloss super UV coating that provides an armor coating against fading and chipping so in 20 years your cue will look and play as good as it does today. Players pool cue shafts are made of the same treated North American Grade A Hard Rock Maple as the cue butts and are given a professional taper for a long stroke and treated with a special French cue wax that provides a smooth finish so the shaft literally glides through your fingers. Each shaft is topped with a high-impact ferrule so durable that it even carries its own lifetime guarantee against chipping or cracking. Players pool cues and pool cue shafts come backed by a lifetime warranty, even against warpage.

  2. dawdaw on 3/7/2025 9:17:33 AM

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have one more question. What year was the cue made?

  3. dawbilliardsforum on 3/7/2025 11:18:43 AM

    The number "104" represents the cue's completion date. In this case, it is April 2010.

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Identifying My Players Pool Cue with "104" on the Butt Cap

  • Title: Identifying My Players Pool Cue with "104" on the Butt Cap
  • Author: (David Womack)
  • Published: 3/4/2025 2:06:01 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/7/2025 8:37:57 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)