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Getting a New Meucci Pool Cue for My Birthday

Getting a New Meucci Pool Cue for My Birthday

My wife asked what I wanted for my birthday and I told her a new cue. I have just been using the sticks that came with my pool table which are fine but not ones you would take to play away from home. I directed her to the Meucci site and I picked a relatively inexpensive one but she got to looking at them and found one she thought was "pretty" and made with Paua Shell which I had never heard of before. I'm all excited now and can't wait for it to get here. Who wants to go out and help me break it in?


Getting a New Meucci Pool Cue for My Birthday

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Getting a New Meucci Pool Cue for My Birthday

  • Title: Getting a New Meucci Pool Cue for My Birthday
  • Author: (Jags Web)
  • Published: 3/12/2011 11:46:53 AM