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Value of a Meucci Originals HI-RUN Pool Cue

Value of a Meucci Originals HI-RUN Pool Cue

How much is a Meucci Originals HI-RUN pool cue worth?

Specifically, the one shown in the question:

How much is the pool stick in that question's main photo worth?


Value of a Meucci Originals HI-RUN Pool Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. Dspencer54billiardsforum on 2/21/2025 7:09:25 AM

    Meucci Originals HI-RUN cues are generally worth between $200 and $350 USD, but value is highly dependent on it's condition.

    Without seeing your actual cue, the above price range kind of meaningless.

    There have been a number of questions on this exact model here in the past. See the answers to these questions for more details on the Meucci HI-RUN cue and it's value:

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Value of a Meucci Originals HI-RUN Pool Cue

  • Title: Value of a Meucci Originals HI-RUN Pool Cue
  • Author: (D. Spencer)
  • Published: 11/26/2024 3:19:36 PM
  • Last Updated: 2/21/2025 7:05:21 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)