What Helmstetter Do I Have I Can't Find It Anywhere
2/4/2017 11:44:17 AM
What Helmstetter Do I Have I Can't Find It Anywhere
I bought a bunch of pool cues from a gentleman that had an old store back in the eighties I bought five sticks.. One was a Meucci tomahawk a VIP helmstetter a couple Vikings.. This one is a helmstedter carom cue I had a few people tell me it was from the eighties which makes sense but I still can't find the model number or pictures of it anywhere could use your help with identification and possibly value of cue ..all I bought oare brand new Old Stock never played with
What Helmstetter Do I Have I Can't Find It Anywhere
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/4/2017 2:34:26 PM
This is an Adam Cue. I love the simplicity of the design.
You would call this cue an "Adam Cue, by Helmstetter" I believe. Hopefully that points you in the right direction for your search.
user1486226656 on 2/4/2017 5:47:59 PM
Thanks for the help ..but looking to nail it with model number and or a pic of another one
billiardsforum on 2/5/2017 12:34:29 PM
Yeah I get it. I will keep my eye open. Let me know if you ever figure it out.
TNOriginals on 3/7/2017 9:55:02 AM
I would like to buy your Meucci Tomahawk cue if possible.
I have 40 Meuccis and am a collector. It would never be shot with.
(615) 406 4five4five
What Helmstetter Do I Have I Can't Find It Anywhere
- Title: What Helmstetter Do I Have I Can't Find It Anywhere
- Author: user1486226656
- Published: 2/4/2017 11:44:17 AM