ID Old Pool Cue with Label on Shaft
7/18/2019 8:14:51 PM
ID Old Pool Cue with Label on Shaft
I found this cue from a man who bought an entire storage unit and this cue was in it. It was climate controlled and only had 9 cues and a lawn mower in it. So, I thought it would be worth investigating. Any ideas?
ID Old Pool Cue with Label on Shaft
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/7/2019 3:59:35 PM
Can you make out any of what is on that cue's label?
I can't really tell from the photos, but figure you might be able to make some of it out having the cue in your hands.
Chopdoc on 8/8/2019 9:39:38 AM
Inexpensive import.
I would love to see the others.
Often people find such things and don't know what they have.
I contacted a guy that had an old cue case for sale. In our conversations there were cues as well. It was a storage locker find. One cue was for sale the other he was throwing away.
I asked for pics.
The one he was about to throw away was worth about $1,000.
The one for sale was worth maybe $20.
I got the one he was going to throw away for $125.
ID Old Pool Cue with Label on Shaft
- Title: ID Old Pool Cue with Label on Shaft
- Author: KatieK (Katie Keisacker)
- Published: 7/18/2019 8:14:51 PM
- Last Updated: 8/14/2019 4:06:16 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)