Identification and Value of Mali Trophy Series Pool Cue
5/29/2017 12:58:03 PM
Identification and Value of Mali Trophy Series Pool Cue
What is the model and value of this Mali pool cue?
I've seen ones like this but without the silver clover with a circle in the middle.
How much is it worth?
Identification and Value of Mali Trophy Series Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/29/2017 2:36:29 PM
I am 99% sure this a Mali Trophy Series pool cue, but not sure which one yet. Still trying to locate a copy of the catalog. All I have a very blurry pic of one at this point. Will let you know if something turns up.
I believe they are from the late early to mid-1980s.
They are generally regarded as a great pool cue, and you would probably have no trouble selling it. But unfortunately, but don't really bring the big dollars, especially with the market being what it is today. For cues like these (which aren't super rare), those paying top dollar would generally only do so if the cue was in 100% perfect shape. It looks like yours has a chip at the butt-end (unless it is camera glare...which is always a problem when photographing pool cues).
As far as a dollar value, I can tell you have I've seen Mali Trophy cues from this series selling for between $150 and $300 over the years, but I've got nothing concrete for you until we can nail down the exact model.
Mark Bellamy on 9/1/2017 5:00:51 PM
What would you take for the Mali Trophy Series pool cue?
I pay cash or PayPal.
billiardsforum on 6/11/2019 4:14:02 PM
Identification and Value of Mali Trophy Series Pool Cue
- Title: Identification and Value of Mali Trophy Series Pool Cue
- Author: Bryanm1553 (Bryan Martinez)
- Published: 5/29/2017 12:58:03 PM
- Last Updated: 5/29/2017 2:18:47 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)