Huebler 44 Magnum Pool Cue
11/17/2018 10:40:45 PM
Huebler 44 Magnum Pool Cue
Can anyone identify this Huebler 44 Magnum cue?
It is probably from the 1990s. It has "Huebler made in America" on one side and "44 MAGNUM" on the other. It has bullets inlaid around bottom of the butt, and a gun barrel shooting a bullet inlaid above the wrap.
Huebler 44 Magnum Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/18/2018 5:01:47 AM
I think you've already identified it. It's a Huebler .44 Magnum cue from the Huebler Magnum series.
From the Huebler Brochure:
Huebler introduces the new Magnum cues - four ways to strike terror into an opponent's heart. While cuemakers have long claimed built-in accuracy, these great cues are probably the first to incorporate bullets! (Actually, they're pearlized plastic; too bad more aren't that way.) Faithful to their name, the new Huebler Magnum cues are designed with bullet heads, bullets, shell casings, barrels with sights, bullseyes, even rifle-scope cross hairs.
Also true to their name, and more to the point, these cues really hit hard. Get a bead on a Magnum. You'll soon get some new respect. Enjoy...and write or call Huebler's Industries today. In our own friendly way, we'll help you gun the competition down.
.44 mm Magnum
"Dirty Harry's" favorite, as you'd suppose, packs a lot of punch! Gray-stained maple front and sleeve highlight two .44 Magnum barrels with sights (silver pearlized plastic), and two .44 Magnum bullet heads (copper pearlized plastic). The sleeve boasts six .44 Magnum bullets (copper and brass pearlized plastic), a I-1/8" plastic ring, and a 1-1/2" butt plate. Black-spot Irish linen wrap.
Kathleen Clark on 11/18/2018 6:27:55 AM
Thank you so much for the info. I have searched the internet and cannot find one.
How did you find this?
Do you know the value?
It's my first Huebler and I traded for it without knowing anything about it.
billiardsforum on 11/18/2018 7:43:52 AM
I have an extensive archive of information on pool cues, and I use that when I need to ID a cue. Lots of it lives in my head too. The blurbs about the Huebler Magnum series and the .44 Magnum cue I posted are taken directly off an image of a Huebler brochure.
Regarding the value of the .44 Magnum cue; It's not worth a ton. It's a newer Huebler relatively speaking. I found it listed for sale on the Huebler website in 2007. Here is the description from the website:
.44 Magnum
19oz, 13mm
Maple front decorated with two .44 magnum barrels with sights (silver pearlized plastic) and two .44 magnum bullet heads (copper pearlized plastic). The sleeve contains six .44 magnum bullets (copper and brass pearlized plastic), a 1 1/8" plastic ring and a 1 1/2" butt plate. A wrap of Black Irish linen with white flecks is included. The cue comes with two Huebler shafts.
Also, I will say that I am no expert on the value of Huebler cues from the Magnum series. When this is the case, I usually just monitor eBay and other sites to get a feel for the market and make notes about comparable sales, but I don't see any of these at the moment.
There are a few other users here who may weigh in on the value of the cue, so hang tight.
All that aside, it is a nice Huebler cue though! Thanks for sharing.
Kathleen Clark on 11/18/2018 12:01:36 PM
Thanks for the info. I've been searching every few days since I got it and haven't seen it or the Magnum series online.
I'm not selling the stick, it plays great, but I got it from a trade that I would put at about $350. Just curious to know how I did.
Thank you guys so much for the info so far.
Chopdoc on 11/19/2018 9:45:51 AM
I would say $350 might be a little high. More like $270 to $300. So it isn't totally out of line.
Hueblers tend to have strong value since he died, so $350 might be right for retail.
I value trades differently, so that's tougher.
It's a keeper? I think you did OK.
Kathleen Clark on 11/19/2018 1:38:40 PM
Thanks a bunch guys. Yes I'm keeping it. It's my first Huebler, why are they so hard to find online? No website?
Chopdoc on 11/19/2018 2:58:17 PM
Paul Huebler died. So no web site.
The best resource for info is the Huebler fan site on Facebook. He bought out what was left of the shop years ago and was a close personal friend of Paul Huebler.
Kathleen Clark on 11/19/2018 3:22:49 PM
Thanks, I've been on the FB page. It seems like everyone enjoys playing with them, as do I, but the shaft seems stiff. Are there different Huebler shafts? Are they considered low deflection? Is there somewhere besides FB to get that info? Someone commented that they found info from the web page from 2007. Is that something I have access to? Thanks again. I'm a new member and you guys have been super helpful.
Chopdoc on 11/19/2018 7:14:31 PM
You can check the internet way back machine. Other than that, some of us have saved old cue web pages because we are into researching cues.
LD? No. As far as I know Paul did not really vary his shaft profile for a very long time. These cues are "old school". Most would call them "stiff", not at all low deflection.
I have a 1980 H-14 Huebler with three original shafts that I love. My regular player is a 1970's Joss cue with ivory ferrules, so I am obviously not into LD.
If you want LD you can easily get an aftermarket shaft for your Huebler.
Huebler had a generally good reputation and a strong following. The following, and values, have increased since his death.
The really collectible ones are the Huebler Custom Shop cues and the higher end catalog cues from the 70's and early 80's. The Custom Shop cues can command thousands, but they play exactly the same as your cue.
I also happen to have a mint Huebler jump cue. As far as I know he made about 70 of them. (Not the three piece jump/break, just a jump cue.) I consider it a bit of a treasure and my wife got it for me as a gift, which makes it extra special. .
Huebler 44 Magnum Pool Cue
- Title: Huebler 44 Magnum Pool Cue
- Author: Kathleen Clark
- Published: 11/17/2018 10:40:45 PM
- Last Updated: 11/18/2018 4:56:00 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)