Cue Logo with Letter "M" in a Shamrock, in a Huebler Case
6/10/2020 12:35:58 PM
Cue Logo with Letter "M" in a Shamrock, in a Huebler Case
I am trying to ID an unmarked cue in a Huebler case. I want to know who made it and what model is it?
The only marking is a shamrock with a letter "M" in it.
Here's a picture of the only mark on the cue. Does this help?
Cue Logo with Letter "M" in a Shamrock, in a Huebler Case
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/10/2020 2:58:58 PM
You have a McDermott D-1 cue from the McDermott "D Series". This series was launched in 1984 and retired in 1990.
This was the lowest-end cue in the line, with an original retail price of $100.
It would be worth somewhere between $100 and $150 today.
kodmac on 6/10/2020 3:59:03 PM
Thanks, I appreciate your help as I hadn't a clue about what kind of pool cue it was.
Cue Logo with Letter "M" in a Shamrock, in a Huebler Case
- Title: Cue Logo with Letter "M" in a Shamrock, in a Huebler Case
- Author: kodmac
- Published: 6/10/2020 12:35:58 PM
- Last Updated: 6/10/2020 2:53:03 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)