Help Identifying and Valuing a Vintage Meucci Originals Cue
12/28/2021 10:01:16 AM
Help Identifying and Valuing a Vintage Meucci Originals Cue
I've had this vintage Meucci Originals cue for a long time but I'm not the original owner.
I'm selling my pool table and pool cues, and this is one of them. This is the only Meucci Originals cue I have left.
The only flaws I could find are shown in the images. It has no cue case.
I'm Houston, TX based, and would appreciate your help in identifying my Meucci Originals cue and providing a value for it.
Help Identifying and Valuing a Vintage Meucci Originals Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/30/2021 11:18:02 AM
It appears to be a Meucci Originals DH-3 cue from the Meucci David Howard series.
However, those typically had the "David Howard by Meucci" stamp on the butt's Hoppe Ring (vs. the "Meucci Originals" stamp you see on yours.
I've asked around about that, and will post back if I get any new info.
The design was later carried forward into other non-player Meucci cue series like the Meucci "M" Series, but the brochures for those show the newer "Meucci" logo. It is possible that the very earliest M-series cues could have had the Meucci Originals logo.
As mentioned, I'll post back if any further information comes around.
Once we can nail down the series, model, and general era, we can more easily put a value on the pool cue.
Help Identifying and Valuing a Vintage Meucci Originals Cue
- Title: Help Identifying and Valuing a Vintage Meucci Originals Cue
- Author: Jim Martin
- Published: 12/28/2021 10:01:16 AM
- Last Updated: 12/30/2021 10:47:08 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)