Identify This Old Cue with Brass Joint and Leather Wrap
8/18/2017 8:04:22 PM
Identify This Old Cue with Brass Joint and Leather Wrap
I am trying to identify this old pool cue with a brass joint and leather wrap.
It has white-ish inlays just down from the joint, and also has rings and a joint collar of the same material. It has what looks like ivory or imitation ivory at the butt cap.
Any ideas?
Identify This Old Cue with Brass Joint and Leather Wrap
Identify This Old Cue with Brass Joint and Leather Wrap
- Title: Identify This Old Cue with Brass Joint and Leather Wrap
- Author: Josh W
- Published: 8/18/2017 8:04:22 PM
- Last Updated: 8/31/2017 4:58:13 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)